I ordered a VPS some time ago.

Howdy, fellow readers! I’ve decided to order a VPS a few months back. That means I can host Discord bots and a lot more!

In case you’re curious, here’re the specs. Nothing too fancy:

  • 2x AMD vCPU
  • 4GB RAM
  • 40GB NVMe SSD
  • 25TB monthly traffic
  • Debian 11

I have a LAMP stack + a copy of Webmin installed on it. For now, I’m hosting a MediaWiki site on it, feel free to check it out: https://notawiki.fifo-f.eu

You can add content to the site and edit it freely.* You don’t even need to create an account!

* Be aware that lacking common sense and being an ass will get your account blocked from editing.

I also have a Mastodon instance on it, running via Docker. It was a little challenging to set up, seeing as Mastodon uses Nginx while I already had Apache. I had to just use Apache as a reverse proxy. Luckily, it works just fine: https://mastodon.fifo-f.eu

I hope you enjoyed reading the article. Feel free to drop me a comment if you enjoyed the article, however brief it was.



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