Category: Technology

  • Windows 98 is my childhood OS.

    Time flies so fast. I can’t believe it’s been so long since Windows 98 was first released. I still remember how excited I was when we got our first computer sometime around the 00s. It had a Czech-language copy of Windows 98 on it. I still have an old XP-era computer in my room that…

  • Installing Red Hat Linux 6.2 in VMware Fusion

    Howdy, fellow readers! Here’s yet another tech-related blog post of mine, in which I’ll be documenting how I installed Red Hat Linux 6.2 in VMware Fusion, though it should work with any VMware product. For some reason, getting older operating systems to run at least somewhat nicely under newer virtualization software feels kinda pleasurable to me. If…

  • Compiling Code-OSS from source

    Howdy, fellow readers! In this article I’ll be talking about my experiences of compiling a copy of Code-OSS (the open-source version of Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code) from source. Feel free to read on if you’re interested! Preparations First of all, obviously, I had to get the source somehow, so I cloned the official VS Code…

  • Not a good sign…

    UPDATE: I got a replacement drive and transferred everything to it. Thankfully, all the data was fine. Yay! My 2TB Western Digital My Passport Ultra might fail anytime… I’m hearing some strange clicking/clunking sounds coming from it occasionally. Obviously, I’m really worried about the ~800GB of data I have on it. For now, I’m using…

  • TeX/LaTeX rock.

    I mostly use LaTeX (which uses Donald Knuth’s TeX as its typesetting engine) for writing letters to friends, but it has tons of other uses as well. TeX’s typesetting is incomparable to a standard word processor! Its justification/hyphenation algorithm is superior to MS Word in my opinion, especially when paired with the microtype package. Any…

  • An old-fashioned hobby of mine…

    One of my free-time hobbies is mailing my friends the old-school way—that is, writing and sending an actual, physical letter via snail mail. Even though it has a price compared to an e-mail, a nice, carefully-written letter has a certain charm to it, which far outweighs the cost, in my opinion, no matter whether you’re…

  • No more vanilla VS Code.

    The post’s title says it all. I cooked up a copy of Visual Studio Code from source a few days ago. I added a few lines of code to product.json to enable the extensions gallery so that I wouldn’t have to keep downloading VSIX files manually: I also disabled telemetry in the options. In case…

  • Red Hat Linux 6.2 with KDE under VMware

    A while ago, I managed to install Red Hat Linux 6.2 (and other old late 90s distributions) under VMware: I may write up a post with instructions soon. Stay tuned! In case you have any questions, feel free to comment on the post, I’ll do my best to answer.

  • Fifo’s Repair Adventures

    Howdy, fellow readers! This is a copy of an old post of mine, back from my old Blogspot site. Hope you’ll enjoy the read! I’ve been working on a Sony CDP-C365 5CD player/changer and a Sony TC-K561S cassette deck lately. Both the cassette deck and the CD changer needed repairs. The original owner wanted to…

  • Technology quirks…

    So, there’s been some “strange things” happening lately… I swear whenever I go to a public place, I see technology acting up! Do I happen to have some kind of “negative influence” inside of me?